
Ground-breaking ceremony for a PET processing plant in Feldkirchen an der Donau

FELDKIRCHEN. The ground-breaking ceremony for the newly established company Mission PET GmbH took place in Feldkirchen on August 16, 2022.

In the future, pre-washed PET bottles will be recycled into new food-safe granules at the site.

“Our mission is lifting PET recycling to a new level. Consistent reuse is prioritized in a circular economy. This, however, entails the risk of contaminants re-entering the cycle. For this reason, we rely on the state-of-the-art technologies of Next Generation Recycling Maschinen GmbH, the future global market leader in the field of plastics recycling machines, located just a stone's throw away,” says Managing Director Markus Huemer.

At the site, pre-sorted, shredded and washed PET bottles will be processed into granules which, in turn, will be used for recycled PET bottles. Our state-of-the-art plant will start production as early as in spring 2023. Around 14,000 tons of granules will be produced on a total area of 5,600 m² and jobs will be created for 20 employees. Together with the investors Mr. Matthias Mayer and Zellinger Beteiligung GmbH, further renowned partners are on board.

This process is already used around the globe. And in Austria, too, well-known Austrian producers of PET bottles make their contribution to the circular economy every day. All of the system's components come from well-known local manufacturers. “When deciding on the technological equipment, we did not only place great importance on its proper functioning, but also favored regional suppliers,” says Pichler.

The Managing Directors Markus Huemer and Daniel Pichler themselves were employed with Next Generation Recycling Maschinen GmbH for many years. “We are delighted to have become a customer of a highly innovative and strong regional partner,” explain the Managing Directors. “In recent years, we have become familiar with the global plastics recycling market and can now claim to have established the world's most attractive site for PET recycling: Mission PET.”

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